Osvaldo Romberg
(* 1938 in Buenos Aires, Argentinien)
Lebt und arbeitet in New York und Philadelphia
Einzelaustellungen (Auswahl):
1974 | "Projects", Institute of Contemporary Art, London |
1975 | "Typologies",International Art Center, Antwerpen (Kat.) "NewWorks", Yodfat Gallery, Tel Aviv |
1976 | GalerieLouise Krohn, Baderweiler "NewWorks", Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv (Kat.) |
1977 | GalerieKeller, Starnberg |
1978 | "Workson Paper", Galeria Peccolo, Livorno "Typologies", Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv (Kat.) |
1979 | GalerieStadler, Paris |
1980 | "Mythologies: From Altamira to Manet, An Emotional Analysis of Art History",The TelAviv Museum of Art |
1981 | GalerieStadler, Paris "ParadigmSeries", Gimmel Gallery, Jerusalem "Mythologies: From Altamira to Manet, An Emotional Analysis of Art History" (Wanderausstellung), Musee d'Art Moderne, Strassburg, NeueGalerie - Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen (Kat.), Museum des 20 Jahrhunderts, Wien |
1982 | "Selected Works: 1972-1982", University of Delaware Gallery, Newark "ColorEnvironment", Bauhaus Archiv, Berlin "Artabout Art", Landesmuseum, Oldenburg Wanda Reiff Gallery, Mastricht |
1984 | XLIVenice Biennale, Israeli Pavilion (Retrospective) (Kat.) "NewWorks", Galerie Linssen, Bonn "Drawings", Utrecht Museum of Contemporary Art (Kat.) "Osvaldo Romberg und der Merzbau von Kurt Schwitters", Kunstmuseum Hannover mit Sammlung Sprengel (Kat.) |
1985 | "FromAnalysis to Metaphor", Galerie Stadler, Paris |
1986 | "HybridObjects and installations", Museu de Arte de Sao Paolo, Piezo Electric Gallery, New York (Kat.) |
1987 | Piezo Electric Gallery, New York, Galeria Paolo Figueredo, Sao Paolo (Kat.) |
1988 | Elizabeth McDonald Gallery, New York "Prepictum.Postpictum + Working Drawings". Galeria Julia Lublin, BuenosAires (Kat.), Artifact Gallery, Tel Aviv (Kat.) |
1989 | "Drawingsfor Installation Projects", Artifact Gallery, Tel Aviv |
1990 | "Installations",The Jewish Museum, New York (Kat.) |
1991 | "Building Footprints" (Wanderausstellung), The Israel Museum, Jerusalem (Kat.) "Building Footprints", Museum of Contemporary Art, Muhka, Antwerpen (Kat.) "Romberg:the '70s, the '80s", Gimmel Gallery, Jerusalem "Romberg:Art about Art", Artifact Gallery, Tel Aviv "Romberg:the '70s, the '80s", Galerie Montaigne, Paris "Romberg:the '70s, the '80s", Ingrid Dacic. Gallery, Tübingen "Romberg:New Works", Schuppenhauer Gallery, Köln "Romberg:the '70s, the '80s", Luise Krohn, Badenweiler "On Scale" (Wanderausstellung), Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg (Kat.) |
1992 | "Romberg:the '70s, the '80s", Montagne Gallery, Paris |
1993 | "Building Footprints", Museum Moderner Kunst, Wien “OnScale”, Sprengel Museum, Hannover (Kat.) “La Vie en Valise, The Artist as Curator”, Fundación San Telmo, Buenos Aires (Kat.) “Newworks”, Galerie Heike Curtze, Wien, Galerie Schuppenhauer, Köln |
1994 | “Recent works”, Galerie Ingrid Dacic, Tübingen “Re-citing, Books and Short stories”, Gimel Gallery, Jerusalem |
1995 | “Thereturn of Martin Steel”, Artist Space, New York “New booksand short stories”, Galerie Hohenthal und Bergen, Köln |
1996 | “+2000/-2000Even”, Kat., SIMULTAN ausgestelt am: Fundación Xavier Corbero, Barcelona, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Museum Moderner Kunst, Wien, Museum of Modern Art, Odessa, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Reykjavik Municipal Art Museum, Staatsgalerie Saarbrücken, SudoMuseum, Tokyo, Tel Aviv University Gallery, Central Library, Voxx Gallery,Chemnitz “New works”, Galerie Heike Curtze |
1997 | “Bypass, 1972-1997, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Gal. Hohenthal und Gal. Hunenthal und Bergen, München Galerie Ingrid Dacid, Tübingen |
1999 | “Romberg´sWalk at the Kunsthistorisches Museum”, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Galerie Heike Curtze, Wien |
2000 | “Besame mucho: A Hypertext About Love” (Kat.), Domgrabungsmuseum, Salzburg, und WhiteBox Gallery, New York “Retinal-Non-Retinal”(Kat.), Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Augsburg |
2001 | “TheLibrary Is Burning (recent books)”, Jan Van der Donk Gallery, New York |
2003 | “FromParadise to Paradise: A Hypertext about Love in Three Parts”, Universal Concepts Unlimited, New York |
2004 | “FromParadise to Paradise: A Hypertext about Love in Three Parts”, Julie M.Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2005 | “Translocations:Architectural Installations, 1980 – 2005”, (Kat.), PeKA Gallery for Experimental Art and Architecture, Technion, Haifa Narrative Architectural (1987—2005), (cat.), Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne “Text, Image, Object (1963 – 2005)”, (Kat.), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven “Dear Theo…(the night Van Gogh cried)”, Galerie Heike Curtze,Berlin |
2006 | “The Library is Burning”, The University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia |
2007 | “Jesus de Buenos Aires”, Kunstmuseum, Bonn “Building Footprints”, Museum of Modern Art Buenos Aires “Framing the Art”, Galerie Heike Curtze, Wien “The War of the Jews, The Artist Workshop”, Tel Aviv |
2008 |
"Videos and Stills", Centro Cultural de Recoleta, Buenos Aires "Dear Theo, The Night that Van Gogh Cried", Galeria Vasari, Buenos Aires |
2009 |
"Video Installation", Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz "Videos and Stills", Z.K.M., Karlsruhe, Germany "Building Footprints", Sabanci University, Istanbul “Theater of Transprency”, Neue Galerie Graz |
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl):
1967 | V. Biennale, Paris |
1968 | VI. International Biennale, Tokyo |
1969 | "Experiences 1969", Di Telia Institute, Buenos Aires VI. Biennale, Paris |
1973 | "Latin American Art", Wspokezsna, Warschau "5 Tendencies", Zagreb Gallery, Kroatien |
1975 | Biennale of Prints, Krakau |
1976 | "Latin American Art", Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen, Biennale of Prints, Laibach |
1977 | "Critic's Biennale", International Cultural Center, Antwerpen |
1979 | "Text Image Object", Rosa Esman Gallery, New York |
1980 | "Art about Art", Galerie Nouvelles Images, Den Haag |
1982 | "Hereand Now", The Israel Museum, Jerusalem |
1983 | "Three Artists about Monet", Neue Pinakothek. MPZ, München |
1984 | "Nacht in der Kunst", Kunstmuseum Hannover/Sammlung Sprengel "Arte allo Specchio", XLI. Biennale Venedig "Second Nature", Bard College, New York "Rationalism", Kunsthalle, Berlin "Art about Art", The Israel Museum, Jerusalem |
1967 | "Kunst in Israel", Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen "Abstract Issues", Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York "Apokalypse", Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen "Artistas Convidados", XVIII. Biennale, Sao Paolo |
1987 | "Quotations",Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Can |
1989 | "Projects– Installations", Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield,Connecticut "Correlations", Galerie Linssen, Köln |
1990 | Tel Hai International Art Meeting, Israel |
1991 | "Perspective", Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, Tel Aviv Museum of Art "Transparence, Transcendence", Forum Ludwig, Aachen |
1992 | “Quotations”, Aldrich Museum of Contemp. Art, Ridgefield (CO, USA) |
1993 | “Les Levine, Osvaldo Romberg, Nancy Spero”, Thread Waxing Space, New York “Quotations”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Wright State University, Ohio |
1995 | Avant-Garde Walk a Venezia, Bienniale Venedig “White Machu Pitchu”, Artists' Museum, Mitzpeh Ramon, Israel |
1997 | “Unmapping the Earth“, Kwangju Bienniale, Korea “Transversions“, Second Biennial of Johannesburg,Südafrika |
1998 | “Theseventies”, Tel AvivMuseum |
1999 | “Faith”, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Connecticut “PluralSpeech”, White Box Gallery, New York |
2000 | “Topologies”: Weiner, Le Va, Anastasi, Romberg, White Box Gallery, New York |
2005 | Domicile: Privé/Public, installations of “Syzygy III” and “The Last Machu Pitchu”, Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne |
2008 |
Biennial of Sevilla International Biennal of Poznan "Medium Religion", Z.K.M. Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe |
Sammlungen (Auswahl):
Museo de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires), MUHKA– Museum of Contemporary Art (Antwerpen),
Museum of Modern Art (New York), Haifa Museum of Modern Art (Haifa, Israel),
The IsraelMuseum (Jerusalem), Sprengel Museum (Hannover), Library of Congress (Washington D.C.),
Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts (Wien), Philadelphia Museum (Philadelphia), The Tel Aviv Museum
(Tel Aviv), Wilhelm-Hack-Museum (Ludwigshafen), Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum (Duisburg)
Osvaldo Romberg
Osvaldo Romberg was born and raised in Argentina. At the age of 6 he had generated his first work of art, a reproduction of a cat with oils on wood. It was not to be the last. Over the past five decades and on five continents, Romberg has produced a consistently goading body of work that tackles questions of analysis, interpretation and representation of art and art history. His own history of translocation, between Argentina, Israel, Europe and the United States and his firm commitment to family and teaching are mirrored by an art practice forever playing with the basics of life, sex and death, and its more complex sensibilities, language and mythology.
Osvaldo Romberg was born and raised in Argentina. At the age of 6 he had generated his first work of art, a reproduction of a cat with oils on wood. It was not to be the last. Over the past five decades and on five continents, Romberg has produced a consistently goading body of work that tackles questions of analysis, interpretation and representation of art and art history. His own history of translocation, between Argentina, Israel, Europe and the United States and his firm commitment to family and teaching are mirrored by an art practice forever playing with the basics of life, sex and death, and its more complex sensibilities, language and mythology.